IRS is now accepting returns – Let a dedicated CPA handle your taxes!
About the 1040 Tax Form
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Ben Franklin talked about death and taxes, but he forgot to mention the IRS Form 1040. The 1040 is the only tax form that every American taxpayer needs to know about and is the main Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form. Every American adult needs to file a tax return every year, regardless of how much money they made. That's the law.
Table of contents
What is a 1040 form?...Read more
Who needs to file a 1040 form?...Read more
Understanding 1040 Forms for Individual tax returns...Read more
What are the different schedules used with the 1040 Form?...Read more
How do I access the 1040 tax form?...Read more
How to file the IRS form 1040...Read more
How’s a 1099 form different from 1040?...Read more
What do I need to fill out the IRS Form 1040?...Read more
Where to mail the 1040 tax return?...Read more
Quick tip
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