⏳C-Corp and individual extended tax returns are due October 15!
FlyFin + Passionfroot
Better Together
Get 20% off on all FlyFin plans exclusively for passionfroot creators
20% off on all FlyFin plans
A.I. deductions tracking
Export CPA data
Unlimited CPA advice
CPAs file your federal &
state taxes in $154
Tax audit insurance
No hidden fee and upgrades needed
Choose a plan that works for you
STEP 1/2
Are you a freelancer or self-employed?
Maximize tax savings with FlyFin
A.I. finds every deduction
Down to the smallest write-off
Expert CPAs file taxes
& you get done in 20 minutes
Maximum tax refunds
Why pay more to the IRS!
One-on-one CPA consultation
You get all the help you need
Here's what other freelancers have to say
4.9 out of 5
Get 20% off on all FlyFin plans exclusively for passionfroot creators