There are a few distinctions when comparing an LLC vs sole proprietorship. When you operate a sole proprietorship, there is no distinction between the business owner and the business. So there’s no need to have a separate
bank account or credit card, but having a separate account could make it easier to track business expenses.
But with an LLC, everything needs to be separate, including your bank account and credit card, since you'll be making purchases and signing documents or contracts on behalf of the business.
When it comes to taxes, the IRS considers sole proprietors as self-employed. So you’ll list all business expenses on
Schedule C. But limited liability companies are treated as self-employed sole proprietors with an option to be taxed as a corporation. So the owner can opt to be considered an employee of the company.
It’s up to you to make the best decision for your business. Starting an LLC requires time and money, so be sure to make your decision with these considerations in mind.